Saturday, March 10, 2012

About the Truth . . .


Stumbling Over the Truth

So I am on my way to the office on Wednesday morning to attend my weekly staff meeting.  It consists of agents, our office broker, our team leader and other assorted important smart people.  It a time of learning, swapping stories, making fun of each other and more times than not, it’s just good to get together with the people you work with.  One thing that we do is review real estate statistics (what’s selling, how many, interest rates, prices, blah, blah, blah).  On this particular morning I was pleased to find out that inventory for homes in our area was low, less than 6 months worth.  In real estate talk it means that people are buying homes and our inventory is down – a seller’s market.  This is good.  People buying and selling homes is good – for our economy, for me and the rest of the people in that meeting that make a living doing this.  

So off I am to make my fortune that day and I turn the radio on just in time to hear the most dismal forecast about a double dip recession, home sales down with no hope in sight and if something doesn’t change soon we will all die.  You know the drill, turn the radio on – get depressed.  So what’s up with this? 

I don’t want to get political here – I’m not good at it and when I am done writing it won’t change a thing.  However!  Do you think something is wrong here?  I am in a meeting getting actual statistics, real bottom line dollar figures, talking to real people buying real homes at good prices and a pay check to boot.  But the news is telling me I have been smoking something and my reality is not intact.  Folks, hear me when I say this!  If you haven’t picked up on this yet, the news is not the best way to plan your life and your investments.  Find yourself a “good” real estate agent (just like you would a good doctor) and ask him/her to give you the latest statistics about home sales in your area.  Don’t listen to the news and decide to wait (1st blog on waiting) until things get better.  If you rely on the news to form your reality the reality you end up with will insure that your reality tomorrow will be different. 

As a side note did you read in the paper about the woman that gave birth to a 300 baby!  It’s just so hard to believe!


It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper. Jerry Seinfeld



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